-Explicit illegal use of the server is prohibited, including but not limited to brute-force attacks, hacking, cracking, and ddosing. This also includes distribution of illegal material.
-Adult Content is also forbidden.
SpeedMax Hosting Solutions LLC retains the right to:
-Disable your account at any time, with or without reason.
-Refuse renewal of your services.
Liability and Support:
-SpeedMax Hosting Solutions LLC is not liable for loss of data, profits or further damages, nor for technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
-SpeedMax Hosting Solutions LLC has no control over third party content and has no obligation to provide software support.
-SpeedMax Hosting Solutions LLC has an automated billing system in place to make invoicing and payments easier for customers. We are not responsible for any mistakes or errors this system may cause. When you sign up for our service, you are signing up for a pre-paid month to month service. If you don't pay for the next period, service will not be provided for the next period.
These Terms may be subject to change at any time, with or without notification.